Principal’s Update | April, 2023
As the term draws to a close, I reflect on how strongly we have demonstrated our value of Community so far in 2023.
Shinwa reunion.
Shinwa students with their Mac.Rob student hosts.
Over the last two weeks, after a 3 year break due to COVID, our long standing, 17 year relationship with Shinwa Girls High School in Kobe in Japan was able to return to normal, when Takashi Yokoyama and thirteen students visited us to enrich cultural understanding, language development and relationships. It was lovely for me to meet and get to know Yokoyama Sensei and to see our students collaborating beautifully with our guests. A big thank you to Sawaki Sensei, to the host students, and to our host families for your wonderful hospitality. We look forward to the visit to Shinwa planned for September this year.
Year 9 Camp.
Year 9 students kayaking in the Lord Somers estuary.
Our Year 9s extended their sense of community, during their camp Lord Somers during Week 8 this term. Relationships that extended beyond their Connect Group were formed while stretching and challenging themselves in (fun) and adventurous activities, such as kayaking, initiatives and beach games. The fun didn’t stop there the disco and trivia were highlights during the evenings. We thank all of the staff who attended camp and made it such a memorable time for our students including putting on their own performances. While back at school, the remaining Year 9 students developed their study and research skills.
Reconciliation Action Plan.
Welcome to Country, first day of Term 1, 2023.
As the Prime Minister announced the proposed words for the referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament this week, we at Mac.Rob are continuing our work to develop our very own Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). A group of staff, students and community members have been meeting to determine the tangible steps we will take to further reconciliation and develop our culturally responsive practice.
Be it our Welcome to Country on the first day; the Student Leadership Portfolios exhibition; the vibrant connection and competition within our House system, particularly at the Swimming Carnival and during House Week; the displays of community for IWD at our breakfast in Feb, and our chanting at the flagpoles on in March; the development of Connect boards throughout the term; the celebration of Holi Festival and Ramadan; the ongoing efforts of the Social Service, GIV, music, debating and drama captains; Sport Week, Harmony Day and Ride to School day, Shave for a Cure, and Anastasia (our musical production) rehearsals, or the Pallas team who are capturing all of our acts of community for our yearbook – so much is going on to maintain and strengthen our sense of community, within Mac.Rob & beyond
I commend all students, and specifically students who have formal leadership positions, and our staff for their work to continually strengthen our connections and make Mac.Rob such a vibrant place where students can find ‘their people’ and explore their passions together.
Anna Bradbury Little Scholarship.
The Mac.Rob Foundation are delighted to announce the 2023 Anna Bradbury Little Scholarship recipient – Magdalena (Maggie) Umbach. Maggie writes:
Ms. Harrap with Maggie Umbach, recipient of the Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship.
“I feel incredibly honoured to be the second recipient of the Anna Bradbury Little Arts Scholarship and I really hope that the donors of this scholarship know what a huge difference this will make on my development as an artist and a person. Transitioning into senior school has been somewhat stressful. As someone who usually loves talking, I’ve never felt like words can truly express what I want to say. Art however allowed me to express my feelings without having to justify them or have them understood by someone else.
“At school, you will see me running around with a camera, as photography is my biggest passion. With this scholarship I will be able to replace the camera body of my old and unreliable camera. The first thing I plan to get however, is an easel for my bedroom, so that I can draw still life objects and daily scenes out of my bedroom window.
“More than anything, I hope that I’ll be able to capture beautiful smiles and memories over the next two years and include them in the Pallas Yearbook! Together with one of my friends I am also leading a photography club this year, as I hope that more students find joy in the Arts to relax from the daily life stresses. A huge shout out to the Year 11 International Baccalaureate class, specifically the Visual Arts class, as they absolutely inspire me. I hope I can share some of the different mediums (which I would now be able to try out thanks to the scholarship) with them in our Art class.”
2024 entrance testing.
Registrations are now open to sit the Year 9 entrance exam for enrolment at Mac.Rob in 2024. Students currently in Year 8 can register now to sit the entrance test with the new provider ACER by clicking here. Information about the exam can be found on our website, and on the Department of Education website for Selective Entry High Schools. We encourage our community to share this information with their friends and families who may be interested in enrolling at Mac.Rob now, or in the future.
Registrations are also open for students who wish to enrol in Years 10 and 11 in 2024. Places in these Year levels are extremely limited, and more information about entry at Year 10 and 11 can be found on the Mac.Rob website. Please note that the Year 10 and 11 exam is handled by eduTest, and will be held here at Mac.Rob on June 14th, 2023.
Buildings update.
The external works on the grounds continue to move along (not as quickly as we would like, but never-the-less, still moving. We are now working towards having them completed by the time school returns in Term 2. Everyone will be delighted by that.
There was great excitement when on Friday in Week 8 I was able to hand over the Year 12 Common Room to the Year 12s. They have exercised great patience and compassion while they eagerly awaited it. The Common Room is a multi use room - it is a dedicated space for Year 12 to study, relax, and have a few creature comforts.
We are just waiting for the occupancy certificate before we can use the end of trip facilities and lift in the gym building.
Facilities improvements.
Over the holidays there will be several projects to continue the improvements to facilities for students and staff.
Gym floor - stripped back, relined, and resealed.
Gym - 5 x 3 m LED screen installed.
LED lighting upgrade finished across the school.
Blinds and whiteboards installed in the Function Room.
External repairs and painting of Gym building.
We thank families for their generous donations to the Building & Library Funds. Some of the scheduled works have been made possible by donations to both of these tax deductible donations. In Term 2 we will source and purchase more outdoor seating to match the new outdoor facilities in the new building works. Funds raised by the Parents Association will also contribute to the cost of outdoor furniture.
As always, our community is warmly welcome to contribute to our two major school funds at any time throughout the year: The Building Fund, which contributes to the upkeep of our buildings and facilities; and the Library Fund, which helps provide our LRC with the resources students need to succeed in their studies.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Student highlights.
In addition to the articles included in this newsletter, students have also provided us snapshots on a number of student events, activities, and highlights from Term 1:
GIV Staff & Student Talent Show
“The Staff & Student Talent Show was a stunning opportunity for staff and students to come together and celebrate the talents of our school. With a total of seven amazing acts performed by staff and students, we were able to raise a grand total of $456 for the Starlight Children's Hospital! We would like to thank all the staff and students who participated on the day - including Rhythm, Arushi, Flora, Yiluo, Isha, Joanne, Abbey, Ananya, Sarah, Kiara, and Anika - as well as the GIV members who worked super hard to make sure the event played out smoothly, and everyone who came out to watch - we look forward to seeing all of you at the next GIV event! If you are interested in donating further to the Starlight Children’s Hospital, you can do so here.” - Babette, GIV Content Manager
Legal Studies — True Crime Sentencing
On March 15th, we were fortunate to have Judge Graeme Hicks, a retired judge of the County Court of Victoria, present an interactive true crime scenario to the Mac.Rob VCE Legal Studies classes. He took the class through the facts of the case, and opened up discussion about how different aspects of the situation might influence the sentence that would be imposed. As each new detail was revealed, students had the opportunity to reconsider the appropriate punishment, and to appreciate the complexity of the task facing the courts.
Tara B (10D) said, "It was really insightful to hear his Honour's thought process when revealing how long he sentenced the man for, and I liked that his Honour used a case he had sentenced himself so that he could give his true insight on it. I also really appreciated at the end that his Honour gave time for everyone to ask questions as it was really informative about what being a barrister or judge is like and answered questions I didn't even know I had."
VCE AME Art Excursion
“On March 17th, the VCE Art Making and Exhibiting students went on an excursion to the National Gallery Victoria Top Arts Exhibition, commercial galleries, and an artist’s studio. We viewed the exceptional work of the students who completed both studio arts and arts. It highlighted the resilient creativity of young artists who used art to explore and create the world around them. The students used a range of media and we saw many drawings, paintings, printing, sculptures, digital art and other mediums. The themes shown were identity, time, home, social issues and our connection to the natural world.
VCE AME students pose outside ACAA.
“The Arc One exhibition represented established and mid-career artists while supporting the practices of Australia’s most promising emerging artists. At Sarah Scout Gallery, the director, Kate Barber, provided us with insight into artists/artworks and planning curatorial concepts. At the NGV International, we viewed the China the Past is Present exhibition, which was one of the day’s highlights, as it showcased various aspects of Chinese culture, tradition, and history, and how it influences modern-day life. The exhibition displayed installation works and projections whilst also featuring traditional Chinese calligraphy.
“Artists Run Initiative galleries Blindside and Caves provided us with alternative exhibition spaces and ways to exhibit. Then at the Jason Patterson Studio, VCE AME students were able to take a peek into the environment in which a fine jewellery maker creates unique and intricate works. It was a busy creative inspiring day. Thank you to Ms. Tobias and Mr. Coomblas for organising this wonderful excursion.” - Celia, Iris, Catherine and Sharissa, AME Students
FAM Fridays
“We are very thrilled to have hosted three successful FAM Fridays this Term! Essentially, FAM Fridays are very chill and relaxing lunchtime activities that are hosted by the Friends At Mac.Rob (FAM) portfolio every fortnight, aimed to help spark friendships amongst younger year levels, as well as to create a space where students are able to unwind.
Students enjoy games as part of FAM Fridays.
“This Term, we kicked off our very first FAM Friday launch with a board game lunchtime! We were very grateful to see the overwhelming turnout of 45 students, all engaging in small groups to play the variety of board games and puzzles that were available to them. Next, we had a trivia of pop culture with Kahoots, along with our final activity of the term being Jackbox Party Pack 6, where we played an immersive game of Trivia Murder Party and Press the Button (knock-off Among Us!).
“We would like to thank all the students that participated in these lunchtime sessions, as well as our lovely FAM committee members for helping organise these sessions for our students. So, keep your eyes peeled in Memo Mondays, to never miss out on a FAM Friday lunchtime next Term! - Sumairaa and Palwasha
I thank the school community for a wonderful Term 1, and wish everyone a well deserved, safe and restful break.
Best wishes,
Sue Harrap | Principal